Supply of lifting truck with incorporated eight (8) ton crane and thirty (30) ton carrying capacity for Rusumo Power Company (RPCL)
Consultancy services for preparation of IFR complaint Financial Statements under IFRS and provision of training services to the Regional Rusumo Falls Hydropower Project (RRFHP)
Request for the Expression of Interest (EOI)
Terms of Reference for the Financial Consultant
Provision of Maintenance and Repairing Services of Vehicles for Rusumo Power Company Limited (RPCL), Tanzania Side, for One Year Renewable, under Framework Contract
Specific Procurement Notice (SPN)
Individual consultancy services for the architectural design of conference room, guesthouse, and swimming pool at switchyard residential area; conference room at powerhouse; and swimming pool at powerhouse residential area
Request for the Expression of Interest (EOI)
Provision of maintenance and repairing services of vehicles for RPCL Rwanda side
Consultancy Services for The Identification, Codification, Tagging, Valuation and Preparation of a Fixed Asset Register of Regional Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric Project’s Assets
REOI-consultancy services for codification and valuation of RPCL assets
Recruitment of individual communication consultant for Rusumo Power Company Limited (RPCL)
REOI-recruitment of individual communication consultant for RPCL
Supply, installation, configuration and commissioning of spare part protection relays for Rusumo Power Company Limited (RPCL)
Amendment No. 2: Postpone The Deadline for Bids Submission
Consultancy services for the identification, codification, tagging, valuation and preparation of a fixed asset register of Regional Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric Project’s assets
Request for the Expression of Interest (EOI)
Supply of electrical parts and tool for Rusumo Power Company Limited (RPCL)
Amendment No. 3: Postpone The Deadline for Bids Submission