RPCL Governance on virtual gathering
RPCL Board of Directors held a virtual meeting on 30th and 31st Dec, 2020 preceded by a Project Steering Committee (PSC) meeting; PSC is a technical organ essential to the Company and its Governance which deliberates on Rusumo Project progress and advises RPCL Board on all matters.
In this meeting, RPCL presented the implementation progress of the Regional Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric Project (RRFHP), which construction phase is being implemented by the Project Implementation Unit of the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program Coordination Unit (NELSAP-CU), an investment arm of the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI).
The overall construction progress of the RRFHP is approaching 73% as of December 2020 combined Civil and Electromechanical Works as they continue. The Civil Contractor continues working inside the cofferdam area and concrete placement for the dam structure, in the headrace tunnel this month, the administration building works.
As RPCL constantly improves its performance by training and developing capacity of its employees and continuously strengthens its system, the governance meeting deliberated on RPCL Procedure Manuals on Human Resources Manual as well as its Procurement and Finance Manual.
RPCL also approved its online portal which is an important tool the company that enables the public to access useful information on RPCL.
As it has been the culture, RPCL governance chairmanship changes on annual basis and alphabetically. On 31st Dec, 2020, Mr. Nuru Ndile of Tanzania the outgoing RPCL Board Chairman handed over to Eng. Nolasque Ndayihaye of Burundi, incoming Board Chairman for the year 2021.